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School Uniform, P.E Kit & Blazer


School uniforms are a vital way to provide a young person with confidence & give them a sense of belonging. Branded, necessary uniform items are still too expensive for parents around the country. 

Our research shows that parents of primary age children are spending £287 a year on each child to clothe them for school. For secondary school students, the cost to parents is closer to £450. Your support will remove a significant financial burden associated with school uniform this year.

Your gift could include items such as: 

- Shoes 

- Socks 

- Trousers 

- Shorts 

- Polo tops

- Branded School Jumpers

- Branded School Blazer

- A warm jacket

- P.E Kit 

- Any other sports uniforms (e.g football kit)

- Other sports equipment (e.g a tennis racket)

- Further school uniform requirements


The uniform in the images shown is an example, we are unable to showcase the brands of real primary & secondary schools.

Complete your purchase to receive a digital gift certificate.

“I Got a Detention for Wearing a Jumper Under My Blazer. It Was the Right Colour, but It Didn’t Have the Badge. I Was Wearing the Jumper Because I Was Cold.”

- Leah, 12