Give Hope home page

Give the gift of hope

Welcome to the store that gives hope. Every gift you purchase could make a child who's struggling feel less alone. Give daily essentials. Give rest and relaxation. Give hope today and show a young person they matter.


a drawing of a gift

Browse the shop and choose a heart-warming gift for a child


a drawing of a child with gifts

Select the area where you'd like your present to be delivered


a gift card

Download your gift certificate if you're donating on behalf of someone special

Popular products

Toy bundle
Essentials care package
Essential food and basics

About Give Hope

Welcome to Give Hope, a fundraising initiative run by The Children’s Society. Our online store gives you the chance to purchase gifts or experiences for children we’re supporting through our youth services. We are a national charity working to transform the hopes and happiness of young people facing abuse, exploitation and poor mental health.

Funding from Give Hope enables us to support children through their most serious life challenges, and to campaign tirelessly for the big social changes that will improve their lives in the long term.

We've been doing this for 140 years and we won't stop until together, we've built a society where hope is alive in every single child.

A young girl staring at the camera